Quick tips and guides

Reynolds > CVR Imports Disappear

Ran into issue with Kevin DeForest at Acura where his Reynolds imports for CVR would disappear when CVR attempted to import the file. Note that everything was fine for 3 days then we ran into this issue. Here is the solution:

As I suspected Windows was not granting access to CVR for the imports folder. We found a ton of files starting yesterday (June 5. when problems began) in Virtual Store, which houses files that programs try to store in administrator-authentication-required locations but do not have permissions. Even after granting full access to all within the security tab it still did not work. I'll outline my work:

1. Granted full permissions to all users on C:\CVRIMPORTS
2. Disabled VirtualStore within Local Security Policy
3. Deleted all data in VirtualStore folder.
4. Disabled Windows Firewall
5. Set F&I to run as admin.
6. Set CVR to run as admin.

I tested after each step and it finally worked after setting CVR to run as admin.

Pat Bumbalough
Help Desk Associate
DP Fox

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